Foxyeon, also known as 폭스연, has quickly risen to fame not only for her daring content on OnlyFans but also as one of the finalists in the Miss Maxim Plus Size Model competition. Her captivating figure, highlighted by her 폭유 (huge breasts), has attracted a massive following. With a natural G-H cup size and above, she has become a standout in the plus-size modeling scene.
Foxyeon is also known to be friends with some of the most famous large-breasted models, such as 썬비키 (ssunbiki), a popular model in her own right (check her content here), and 전지은 (gopa.noona), another well-known model with impressive curves and a breast size of G-H cup or larger (explore her posts here).
To see Foxyeon’s perfect naked breasts without censorship, join Maxxx, where her super natural breasts are celebrated for their added value:
Smooth white skin
Stunning breast shape
Perfect areola circle
Pinkish and dense nipples
It’s no surprise that Foxyeon’s natural beauty is highly praised. On Maxxx , you can witness her uncensored perfection and enjoy her voluptuous, flawless figure. Don’t miss the chance to see her in all her glory, only available to exclusive members.